Friday, August 3, 2012


Summer 2012 has kept us hoppin'! 
We, however, are not fantastic photo-journalists...

In the past 6 weeks, we went to Sioux Falls for an ordination (congrats, Father John!), Aberdeen to visit my dad and Sara, and Chicago for the 4th of July with Bob's family. We hosted 10 Chilsons/Pattersons here for the better part of a week, Grandma Kathy came to visit twice, and my friend Suzy (Robbie's Godmother) spent a long weekend with us.

We have no photos of any of the above.

What we DO have is a bit of evidence that we have fun just hanging around near home. Here are some photos/videos of our boys doing just that...

Jakey says "Ready, Set, Go!"

Robbie's turn!

Jakey is saying "beep-beep, Robbie" (we're working on "excuse me", but for now beep-beep does the job)

Ducky's turn :)

It may be called a "baby pool", but these guys are serious about their "swimming" - getting their heads underwater, splashing, and flailing arms and legs, even in just a few inches of water!

Favorite dollar store gifts - butterfly nets. Robbie practices his "pool boy" skills.

Who says floaties are just for water? This craziness was part of an afternoon spent under a sprinkler...

Don't look now, boys, but you both stopped moving at the same time. AND mom has her camera. This is unprecedented :)

Jakey's favorite turtle floatie - thanks, "Auntie Cousin" Lindsay, for leaving this one for us!

I know this photo quality is a bit fuzzy, but c'mon, how cute is it? The boys still spend a LOT of time with the wagon... and as you can see here, they enjoy every minute of it!

You can't make this stuff up... They boys were playing in the pool on the deck. A squirrel ran across the yard. They boys got all excited and ran after it. Squirrel ran up the tree. Boys attempted to climb tree, saying "Mommy, help up!"  Sorry, guys. Mom doesn't have those skills. Even if I did, you're not even wearing shoes. Or clothes, for that matter. 

Ah, toddlers - they truly believe nothing can stand in their way (and that mom can do anything!)

Bob did lots of landscaping work in our yard this summer. He had a lot of "help" from Robbie. Too cute. That kid took his little red shovel (thanks, Grandma Kathy!) and follwed daddy everywhere...

You can't see it, but Robbie's shirt says "Rad like dad" :)

Mmmmmmmm... dirt. Icky!

We are lucky to have a man-made lake near us, with a beautiful sandy beach and shallow water - perfect for toddlers. We've been there lots with family, and on playdates with friends. Both boys love the water, but Jakey LOOOOOOOOOOOVES it.

Robbie loves the sand, too! Look at that tongue :)

I got your hat!
Taking turns pushing each other in this floatie (thanks for sharing, Emily!)

Did I mention that Jakey loves the water? This day we were on a playdate with several families, including around 8 kids or so. ALL of us were taking a lunch break. Jakey wouldn't come in. He's the one still out in the yellow tube by himself (I know this looks bad, but he's only in about 6 inches of water, and we were watching him closely!) He was practically the only kid in the whole lake.

"NO num-nums. Stay wa-wa!!!"

We made our first trip to the MN zoo this week (thanks to the Hensleys for sharing their membership perks!)

Checking out the penguins (that's their friend Cooper between the Chilsons)

Boys' favorite part of the zoo? The kid-friendly "caves" outside several exhibits!

They also LOVED the dolphin show. "Fish jump? Fish jump high!"

Here's a live-action look at the gymnastics inspired by those floaties...

Now, the boys are old pros at helping us fill up the pool with the garden hose. This video, though, is from early in the summer - their first experience with the hose!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Two Year Photos

Chilson Twins at Two Years old

(Yeah, we were a bit late in getting their "official" two year photos taken... but these pics are worth the wait!)

Robbie (in green, of course)

Jacob (in blue, of course)

Twin power!


This photo, and the 3 that follow, may be my favorite series of photos, ever. Usually Jakey doesn't "fight back" in twin wars (he's the "sensitive" one). This time he took matters into his own hands before poor Robbie knew what hit him! :)

Bye Bye!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hooky and Hockey

We had a fun week... nothing too exciting, just hanging around the house, but lots of opportunities to get some fun pics and video.
Mommy and Daddy got to play hooky from work and stay home on Wednesday and Thursday (daycare was closed). We had beautiful weather, so it was nice timing (as this weekend is a wash-out!). Time to get outside and have some fun.
A rare chance to get the boys smiling at the same time... both looking at the camera will have to wait for another day :)

Looking for bugs...

Robbie's new "cheese" photo face!

Here's one with a real smile.
Jakey's favorite outside activity is still to run up and down the hill.

Time for mommy to clean the kitchen. Elmo's in charge!
 These videos are of the new fun game the boys invented... jumping off the couch and into their bean bags!

The boys love to stop and smell the flowers. Never mind that they're all fake. We remind them to smell with their noses, not their hands, so they put their hands on their knees and lean over, creating a kind of dance!

Robbie is on my lap as I write this. Seeing the below video, he declares, "HOCKEY!" Our new favorite indoor activity.

What started as hockey begins to deteriorate into some serious silliness...

A new favorite "daddy game"... called "Earthquake"