Sunday, June 13, 2010

Oops... kinda forgot we were supposed to be keeping this blog!

Well, here we are again - finally! Life keeps getting in the way of documenting life! Here are a few highlights from the past weeks:

On mother's day, we surprised my Grandma and Grandpa with a visit at their nursing home in New London, MN - our first road trip (only 2 hours!) and the first time Vince and Vivian met the boys! They were so excited - aren't these photos precious? Our boys are so lucky to have great grandparents.

Both boys with Great Grandma Vivian

Robbie with Great Grandpa Vince

Had to snap this photo to show Grandma Jean and Grandpa Don that the boys fit into their Florida shirts... for about a minute and a half. I can't BELIEVE how fast these kids grow! Seems like every day I put something in the "too small" pile.

Ah, here it is - the first day on the boat for 2010. We've been a bit busy (ha!) so our boat is still in our driveway, but our friends Kelly and Bonita invited us out for an afternoon over Memorial Day weekend. The boys were amazing - didn't mind being in their life jackets, and essentially slept through the whole ordeal. That's good news, as we hope to spend lots of time on our boat in the near future.

Jacob takes a nap on the boat

Robbie woke briefly to say hello!

Would you believe these are the smallest hats we could find?

Every night, we swaddle up Jakey and put him in his crib, on his back. Every morning, this is how we find him. This boy loves being on his side, and his tummy. He can even roll over from his tummy to his back already.

One of my favorite "twin moments." Our guys are so different from each other in so many ways, we get a kick out of it when they decide to be "twinny" every once in a while.

Spaeking of the boys having different personalities, and wanting to do different things at different times... This photo is a prime example: Robbie was kicking and smiling and cooing and going crazy in their "gym" (he, so far, is our "social" boy - loves to "talk" and smile and laugh). So here he is, kicking and cooing right in Jacob's ear. Jacob, you'll notice, is sleeping through it all (on his side, of course)

Grandma Kathy has been here several times to help us with the boys. They love her so much that they even talk to her on the phone after she has to go home - I'm certain that they recognize her voice.

My favorite moments are when the boys are entertaining themselves and we can just sit back and watch them be happy and learn about the world around them. Enjoy these videos of the twins doing just that:

(That's Robbie on the left and Jakey on the right)

You may notice that Jacob and Robbie seem completely unaware of each other, even as they are hitting and kicking each other. Too funny!
Today (one day short of their 3-month birthday) is the first day they've ever made eye contact and smiled at each other - adorable! So we hope to have photographic proof of that soon.
Thanks for your patience - we hope you keep checking back for our next update... we'll try to do it in a more timely fashion this time around! :)


  1. Gretchen,

    We want you to know that we check regularly to see the updates! Thanks for posting, I know it must be difficult with twins. I cannot believe they are three months old. Wow. Can't wait to see all of you in about a week :)


  2. We can't wait to see them. I can't believe how much they have grown.

  3. I can't get enough of this post and the videos!!!!! They are ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up with the posts! :)
