Sunday, June 19, 2011

Random moments to make you laugh

Wow, if I quit my job we could continue to update our blog every day! :)  Here's the 3rd in a row...

The boys practiced their splashing in the pool... now they've brought it to bath time.

So, these next videos may require some explanation. Jacob's new favorite game is throwing small toys down our staircase, one after another, for 5-10 minutes at a time.The first video begins with a sad Jakey who has just unsuccessfully tried to push a too-large ball through the gate. He is so sad and sincere in his shock about what does and doesn't fit... you can see how it's entertaining for him. Interestingly, this behavior is the only thing that happens in this house that only ONE child does. Robbie just looks at him like he's crazy - like, "Why are you throwing away all our toys?"  :)

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